Video showing development of leopard painting, egg tempera
Because of the patterned textures of the tree trunk and background to this painting, together with the complex markings of the leopard’s skin that I wanted to get right, I drew in the composition of this work more carefully than I usually do. Above is a video of the paintings main stages, which also shows the versatility of egg tempera in that I was able to completely change tonal quality of parts of the surrounds (from dark to light) during the process.
(above) (far left) One of the head sketches of the leopard in preparation for the painting. (left) Egg yolk and white separated for mixing yolk with the powder pigments. (middle) Powdered pigments on a glass palette before mixing: yellow ochre, burnt umber, ivory black and Naples yellow. (right) Jars of the pigments, showing cerulean blue which was also used.